Get into the ‘BATTLEGROUND’ program today and join the ranks of the mentally untouchable!

When your life isn’t full of ambition or discipline, it’s easy to give up on yourself when the momentum and enthusiasm fizzles out.

This is why so many people make excuses, quit on themselves, justify their start/stop patterns…

…and go back to their old habits.

If that’s you I want you to know…


And, if you’re anything like me, you know how hard it is to develop discipline, keep the needle from slipping, and move forward when life continues to punch you in the teeth.

Some days you get it right, and some days you just fucking don’t.

But here’s what I know for sure…

…when I follow my own cardinal rule, focus on what you can control, I have my best days!

I’m definitely more consistent with keeping my ambition and discipline on track and I’m happier in my life.

When my day is full of ambition I feel like I can run through walls.

When I’m disciplined, I feel like I’m WINNING over and over again!

  • I’m more confident.
  • I’m happier.
  • I have more energy.
  • I handle my shxt like a BOSS!

That’s why I believe that if you don’t understand the operational tactics or strategies you need in the moments you need them the most… how can you deploy them?

It’s time to change that.

It’s time to learn the mindset to battle against anything that gets thrown in your direction… and WIN!

It’s time to get obsessed with adhering to your goals.

It’s time to shed the toxicity in your life once and for all.

It’s time to chase your most ambitious desires, unapologetically.

It’s time to unleash that beast you know lives within.

It’s time to take your mental toughness to new heights.

It’s time to surround yourself with likeminded individuals and level the fuxk up together!

Join Me Inside The Battleground

This is a year long program run by Human Performance Coach Erin Whitehead. You can leave when you like, no questions asked. Get into this community and gain concrete direction, set higher standards in your life, and chase your most ambitious desires. We meet weekly to discuss and teach what the radically successful do differently so you can, too!

Shake Hands With The Beast In Your Head

The BATTLEGROUND program is specifically designed for those who:

  • Want to chase their most ambitious desires and don’t know how to do that
  • Want to become a leader of self
  • Want to learn how to become more mentally tough
  • Want to become a better version of themselves
  • Want better, meaningful intrapersonal relationships
  • Want to shed the toxicity for good
  • Want to get in the best shape of their life
  • Want to learn how to adhere to their goals like a champion
  • Want to make a plan for growth in the most critical areas of life and stick to it
  • Want to learn a strategy of how to get back on track when momentum is lost
  • Want to feel like they’re winning over and over again
  • Want a gameplan that will eliminate the guesswork from goal setting
Shake Hands With The Beast In Your Head

The More You Sweat In Training Grounds, The Less You Bleed In Battle

This program is also for those who:

  • Need more guidance and concrete direction
  • Need to learn from someone who actually walks the walk
  • Need more tactics that actually work in real life
  • Need someone to believe in them
  • Need to be reminded to ‘handle your shxt’
  • Need someone to breath accountability into them
  • Need to hear the raw, unfiltered truth from someone who gives a damn
  • Need to be around others who want to level the fuxk up!


Weekly meetings that allow you to get personalized feedback on the challenges you face in real time.

Access to private events and exclusive pricing before public announcements are made.

Access to influential guest speakers from Erin’s personal and business life.

Life transformation and a community of like minded individuals.

Shake Hands With The Beast In Your Head

Meet Your Mentor, Erin Whitehead

Erin Whitehead is a human performance coach to the most elite minds on the planet helping them sharpen their mindset even further through the power of neuroscience. She officially opened up her coaching practice in 2016 and has been a force to wreckon with ever since.

Her coaching philosophy centers around the idea of self actualization and embodies an unconventional approach that requires a zero deviation mindset, regardless of circumstances.

Her raw, unfiltered sense of style on social media has garnered her a significant following and her community is often referred to as AMBITIOUS AF’ers. She likes to punish the victim mentality, call out the care bear motherfuxkers of the world, and remind people to ‘handle their shxt.’ Because, why not?

Beyond her impressive clientele who range from political candidates running for office, guys drafted to the NFL, United States Special Operations Forces, and pediatric neurosurgeons, she’s known for her infectious energy, massive ambition, and compassion for her fellow human being.

Her podcast ‘AMBITIOUS AF with Erin Whitehead’ has reached the top 15% of all podcasts shared worldwide on Spotify and is actively in 27 different countries on all listening platforms.

She uses her platform to encourage others to chase their most ambitious desires, stand up for what they believe in even if that means standing alone, and believe in themselves first and foremost.

Erin is on a mission to build a coalition of mentally tough individuals who are inspired to eradicate mediocrity from the planet…

…because the fate of the next generation depends on it.

This is a monthly membership. You pay as you go.

If at any time you wish to leave the BATTLEGROUND community you can. We won’t hold you hostage or question you unnecessarily. But we’re certain you’ll find so much value that you’ll never leave. In fact, we’ll bet our life on it!

“I think that when you set goals they should be radically ambitious. So much so, that they engulf you completely and people begin to describe you as completely obsessed. And then, you should find people who make obsession feel normal and climb mountains together!”

Erin Whitehead, MBA

Human Performance Coach, CEO of AMBITIOUS AF, a concierge coaching firm

Here’s Your Warning:

We’re here to help you solve the real problems that you face in your life and eradicate your start/stop patterns once and for all so you can chase your most ambitious desires and build your ultimate life.

But before you secure you’re seat to this community you should know a few things…

The AMBITIOUS AF BATTLEGROUND message isn’t for everyone.

If you follow Erin Marie or have attended any of her keynote addresses you know that she tells it like it is… regardless. That means, adult language is used a.k.a. ‘bad words.’

It’s not derogatory, rather, it’s used for emphasis when necessary. And here’s what we know… some people get triggered or offended when words like this are used and it ends up clouding the message being delivered and the lesson being taught gets lost.

If you’re someone who fits the description above, it’s probably best you keep searching for another program and do not sign up for this year long experience.

Shake Hands With The Beast In Your Head

Let's Do Life Together!

Join your peers and discover exactly which AMBITIOUS AF discipline, habits, and goals you should be setting at this point in your life and career. Learn next-level strategies to gain more control over your life and learn how to apply what you’ll learn during our time together.

More importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to take advantage of networking with other AMBITIOUS AF’ers!

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