Human Performance Coaching

If you’re brand new to this website, welcome!

It means you have a genuine interest in performance coaching.

And that’s exciting.

Let’s move through some of the basics together.

First, I’m going to answer SIX of the most common questions everyone has.

Hover over them with your mouse or press on the square boxes below to reveal the answers.

Next, you may be wondering if you’re the kind of doctor that I work with.

Great question.

Here’s a couple of questions to consider…

  • Are you a doctor always working late, find it difficult to set boundaries without feeling guilty, and rarely take a break. Perfect.
  • Are you working in an environment where your core values clash with your organization’s values? Got it.
  • Are you a successful doctor who excels in medicine, should be enjoying your success, yet find yourself thinking, “There’s got to be another way!”? I get you.
  • Are you mentally exhausted, devoid of motivation, and often don’t see hope of positive change given your situation? You’re in the right place.In a nutshell, if you’re a TYPE-A OVERACHIEVER who is sacrificing your happiness for your career then you’re a great candidate for executive coaching.Look.

    The pressure and intensity of being a doctor is real. However, for high achieving doctors that pressure is 10x.

    You’ve earned your success.

    Now, it’s time to enjoy it.

    And if you don’t, you’ll burn out, rationalize this sacrifice, and either walk away from an amazing medical career or live in regret that you put your personal life dead last.

    I don’t want this to happen to you.

    Let’s get you moving in the right direction!

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