

Join mental toughness expert, Erin Whitehead, to learn the operational tactics and strategies to become an uncommon force for good in the world.

This is the cold hard truth about all the bullshxt you crutch on to remain inside your own struggle. I’m going to shake it out in wide open spaces and help you understand why it exists in the first place.

Because that’s how you can become aware of any foundational cracks that exist. That’s how shxt changes. That’s how everything changes. And this is how you WIN!

Oh, one more thing… if you’re easily offended, like to take short cuts in life, think the karma gods are to blame for your ineptitude, or enjoy banging your victim drum on the internet for double taps… this podcast isn’t for you. Scroll away now and go find an online community who denies the existence of the problem. You’ll fit in nicely.

For everybody else who is an overachiever with unwavering convictions… who likes to wake up sexy as hell and kick their day in the teeth… who doesn’t quit, doesn’t retreat, and fights like their world is ending…

SLAM THE PLAY BUTTON below on one of my favorite episodes and let’s get AMBITIOUS AF together!

With fire and love,


Episode #52: 'How To Win The Battle No One Knows You're Fighting

by Erin Whitehead

Episode #47: What It Takes To Quit Your Job And Go All In

by Erin Whitehead

Episode #46: Why You Feel Like Sh*t All The Time

by Erin Whitehead

Don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast. That’s the lifeblood of a podcast. 😉

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