AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Chase Personal Excellence

by | May 20, 2023

You are right here, right now, alive and breathing to push back against tyranny and help solve the problems in society.

You are here to become the solution.

All of us are.

The very best way we can do this is by being a living, breathing example of what ordinary human beings can become when they live their life to the highest standards.

There has never been a better time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice by becoming the very best version of our individual selves…

I didn’t say “trying to become…”


This is why I live the very best I can.


I can always do better, but I try really damn hard.

And, if you’re out there giving it all you’ve got and chasing personal excellence…

I respect the fuck out of you!

I also respect those of you who are taking back control over your life and following through.

You may stumble…

It may take you a few tries…

But never quit because one day it will stick and your life will be changed forever…

In ways you can’t even imagine.

Your personal excellence matters.

Your journey matters.

You matter.

And we are depending on you to overcome.

Strive hard to live a life worth the sacrifices made by men and women whom you’ll never know.

Thank you to all who commit to that.

I believe it matters a lot.

With fire and love,



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