AAF Wisdom

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Everything In Life Is Earned

by | Feb 12, 2023

I have ZERO empathy for people who are self centered, apathetic, inconsistent…

Who run their mouth and never take action…

Who lack the drive to become a better human being…

And then bitch about not being satisfied in life.

These people deserve NOTHING.

The truth is…

Your life looks the way it does because of how much bullshit you tolerate…

Including your own…

And is reflected in the actions you aren’t taking in your life.

So if you’re the type of person who goes to work all day…

Gives a half ass effort, at best,

And then goes home to scroll mindlessly through social media with your feet up smokin’ some weed…


Because you claim you want a better life…

Yet your actions don’t match your words.

Everything is this life is EARNED.

Including your confidence…

Your physique…

Your bank account…

Your relationships…

Your self worth.

So the next time you want to try to convince the rest of us you’ve got it all “figured out…”

Just understand that the rest of us know…

You don’t.

It’s what we do with our time here on earth that fills us with happiness…

Or leaves us with a pile of regret.

What you do today matters.

And running your mouth about all the things you’re gonna do without taking any action…

Shouldn’t be at the top of that list.

With fire and love,



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