AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Get Intentional With Your Day

by | May 27, 2023

If I could narrow down all of the goals for my life into one it would be this…

Dedicating myself to helping others realize the importance of NOT BEING AFRAID TO LIVE.

Not being afraid of failure.

Not being afraid of what “they” might say or think.

Not being afraid to chase your most ambitious desires.

Not being afraid to push past your limits.

The people you’re afraid of offending don’t give two fucks about offending you.

So fuck those people!

Focus on what you can control.

While everyone else is out getting distracted…

Get hyper-focused and intentional with your life.

You are in control of your own reality…

Over what you eat…

Over your physical fitness…

Over what you put into your brain…

Over how you treat other people…

Over who you choose to interact with…

Over what you choose to believe in.

Stop yielding your life to the insecure, scared, critics who haven’t done shit in their lives but somehow know exactly what you need to be doing with yours.

Don’t get distracted by the victim clown circus.

Let them get distracted while you keep moving.

One day at a time.

One win at a time.

This is YOUR life.

This is your ONLY life.

Become who you truly wish to become.

Be you… the REAL you in your soul.

Learn to make kicking ass part of who you are at your core…

And stomp on any motherfucker who gets in your way!

With fire and love,



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