AAF Wisdom

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Greatness Isn’t For Everyone

by | Apr 28, 2023

I’ve been in multiple conversations where people tell me they’re “thinking of starting a business.”

Truth is…

None of those people actually do it.

It’s not because they don’t have the potential or ability…

As an entrepreneur you learn along the journey.

It’s because they lack committment and belief in their hearts and souls.

If they’re “thinking about it,” that means they are also considering NOT doing it because they currently have other options.

And those other options are the reason why they never do a cannon ball off the high dive and fully commit.

And when they don’t fully commit…

They go up against people like me who do…

And that’s why they continue to spin in circles and never make it out of a life they regret…

Because I don’t stop, quit, or retreat.

The difference between people who go balls to the wall and those who don’t is simple…

They either give themselves options to quit…

Or they don’t.

When I first started in entrepreneurship I didn’t have a trust fund…

I didn’t have venture capital…

I didn’t have a laptop…

I didn’t have a network…

I didn’t have a website…

I didn’t have a plan B…

I didn’t have any of that shit.

And because I didn’t have a bunch of options I did everything I could to ensure my success…

And didn’t give myself any other option than to chase my most ambitious desires with relentless ambition.

Because I literally had no other choice.

And having no other choice than to succeed is the ultimate motivator.

It forces you to be creative and not let opportunities slip by…

It keeps you hyper focused…

It allows you to use all your frustration, anger, and lack of options as fuel…

Because that’s exactly what it takes.

No, starting a business isn’t for everyone.

Losing 75 lbs. isn’t for everyone.

Shedding toxic intrapersonal relationships isn’t for everyone.

And building the life you truly deserve isn’t for everyone…

But then again…

Neither is greatness.

With fire and love,



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