AAF Wisdom

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Losers Talk Shit. Winners Do Shit.

by | Feb 3, 2023

It’s painful to carve your own path.

Your closest friends will doubt you.

Your family will criticize you.

You’ll be judged you for how you speak, how you vote, how you parent your kids, how you fu ck, how you work, how you play, how you pray.

The only time they don’t judge you is when you sacrifice your core beliefs at the alter of their approval.

These are the same people who lay around on the couch…

Pointing their fingers and telling you how you should be living your life…

When they haven’t done shit in their own life…

Because the real shit in life that takes actual work…

Is too damn hard or “not worth it” for these wannabes.

But what they actually show us with their actions is:

1️⃣ They are too lazy to put forth the effort…

2️⃣ They cannot understand why anyone would rise above the line of mediocrity.

These are people who claim to be “super happy” in their life when in actuality…

They aren’t.

So if you’re judging other people for chasing their most ambitious desires from the sidelines on your couch…

Go get your hands dirty in the arena first.

That’s what real winners do.

They don’t judge others.

They spend that time perfecting their craft and practicing their discipline.

And to those of you who have the COURAGE to chase your most ambitious desires know this…

Keep going.

Let the wannabes think about judging and criticizing other people…

While YOU focus on YOU.

And by the way…

You’re being judged by people who barely have their shit together.

Winners DO shit.

Losers TALK shit.

With fire and love,



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