AAF Wisdom

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We’re All Fucked Up, It’s Not Just You

by | Feb 28, 2023

As humans we crave connection.

We all want to be seen.

We all want to feel heard.

We all want to be valued.

And we all want to be socially accepted.

But here’s the problem:

Social media has created an environment where many people hide behind an online mask, they tell half truths, hurt each other, and desperately seek acceptance and double taps from total strangers.

Then they wonder why they’re so unhappy with their life.

What are you afraid of?

What don’t you want people to see?

You really think you’re any more fucked up than the rest of us?

Guess what lovely…

We’re all fucked up.

Especially me.

None of us are close to perfect.

It’s not just you.

We all feel lonely at times.

It’s not just you.

It’s hard for all of us.

It’s not just you.

But the unique way you’re fu cked up is exactly what makes you…


Although it’s important to do the best we can…

You have to recognize nobody is perfect.

Not you.

Not me.

Not anybody.

Regardless of what their social media presence declares.

But all the stupid shit you did in the past and your journey to do less stupid shit is the story that you get to write and inspire others with.

That’s pretty amazing don’t you think?

Just by being true to yourself…

You are embracing exactly what will end up becoming your very best life.

So instead of trying so damn hard to be someone you’re not…

Work harder to free yourself to be exactly who you are.

This is a project for all of us…

A lifelong project.

Your ultimate weirdness is your superpower.

That’s not floofy bullishit either.

It’s absolutely practical.

Embrace it.

With fire and love,



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