AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

You Fucking Matter

by | Mar 4, 2023

If any of you reading this right now are struggling to find your purpose…

And you’re sitting there thinking, “what’s the point?”

Here’s what I want you to understand…

No matter who you are…

No matter what career is…

No matter how many irreversible mistakes you’ve made in the past…

You fucking matter.

You matter a GREAT DEAL!

And there’s a tremendous amount of purpose for your life.

You’ll find your purpose when you start placing yourself in service of others.

And, one of the best ways you can be of service to others is what no one talks about out loud…

And it’s this…

Start setting the highest possible standards for yourself…

And show others what it means to live a disciplined life.

To become the person you were meant to become by leaning into the enormous amount of potential that lives within.

Which, by the way, for all of you is infinite.

So rest and know that you do matter.

If you start with focusing on what you can control…

And show others what’s possible when you live a disciplined life…

Your purpose will reveal itself.

With fire and love,



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