AAF Wisdom

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Make Your Life Purposefully Harder

by | Nov 16, 2021

We are all our own worst enemy.

We tell ourselves we’re not good enough.

We talk ourselves out of our biggest dreams with “what if” scenarios.

We tell ourselves success is meant for other people.

And then we press pause on pursuing our most ambitious desires and justify our bullshit reasons because the easier path is, well, easier.

Today, everyone wants life to be easier…

Low stress.

Right now.


Which is why most people never achieve their greatest potential.

Because the easier path is an easier sell.

No one signs up for a program, seminar, or weekend retreat that tells you…

“These tactics are going to make your life 10X harder, kick you when you’re down, and cause you to fail over and over again until you get it right…

…And don’t forget, you’ll be crying crocodile tears every day and doubt your very fucking existence!”


No one raises their hand for any of that.

Nothing you see on social media or mainstream news tells you to make your life purposefully harder… but I am.

Successful people do the real work that makes them feel like an outsider, unsuccessful ones do not.

And since nature is guided by the invisible hand of natural selection, you need to submit yourself to an equivalent discipline.

THIS is precisely what creates greatness.

Once you understand this, your entire world changes.

“He not busy being born, is busy dying.” ~Bob Dylan

When your struggle becomes easy, you will discover it was never random.


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