AAF Wisdom

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Why You Should Bother Aiming Higher

by | Feb 15, 2022

When it comes to dominating in life…

Everyone says they want it.

Few actually do the work.

Even fewer endure and do what nobody else is willing to do.

So, what differentiates the few who actually dominate in life from everyone else?

Is it because they are somehow special, deserving, and unbelievably interesting?

As nice as those things sound… the truth is very fucking different.

The answer: they have a primal desire to win and will throat stomp anyone who gets in the way.

And here’s the realization you need to know…

When the people who dominate in life fall behind or fail, they use their frustration to readjust their aim.

You know what I mean when I say “aim?”

👉 The aim that organizes their perceptions, emotions, and ambitions that bring them closer to their goals; visible and invisible.

The people who dominate are not satisfied with a normal life… why would they be?

They fuck shit up.

They invite stress.

They experience anxiety.

They eat shit sandwiches for lunch.

They get their asses beat a bunch of times by the risks they take.

They are lit up by their purpose.

They choose to take pride in the details and surround themselves with people who do the same.

They choose to bring value to EVERYONE they come in contact with.

They don’t have room to dwell on their past, except for the lessons that serve them today.

They don’t let things slide when no one is watching.

And they damn sure don’t apologize for who they are becoming.

They march forward with an overzealous aim for winning in life…

…every single day…


That’s why these people dominate their world.

That’s why your interactions with them are so memorable.

So, you have to ask yourself…

Is your aim the highest possible aim you can conceptualize?

And, is it supercharged with meaning?

The main reason you don’t get what you want in life is because you don’t have “what you want” figured out.

And that lessens the probability that you’ll ever achieve what you want. 

In fact, getting even more of what you want (and beyond) becomes obsolete.

Understand what I’m saying here?

Whether you aim high or low today, tomorrow, and all the days that follow will end up defining your life.

The idea is simple…

Pay very close attention to the level of your aim.

It will last a lifetime.

With fire,



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