AAF Wisdom

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This Will Guarantee A Mediocre Life

by | Feb 8, 2022

Ever have shitstorms land directly in your lap and explode?

The kind that causes high emotional intensity only to discover none of it is still relevant 24 hours later.


When it comes to building your dream career, dream body, dream bank account, dream relationship…

You don’t move forward with the same intensity, drive, or ambition.

Seems backwards, doesn’t it?

Yet millions of people place an insane amount of energy into situations and other people who have ZERO positive impact on their career, relationship, or opportunities in the future.

These are the same individuals who blend into society and are incapable of thinking outside the bounds of an average life.

Here’s who I’m really talking about…

The motherfuckers who constantly puff out their chest and talk about how motivated they are to make positive changes…

…but find every irrelevant shitstorm to wrap themselves inside and claim “the timing just isn’t right” when it comes to making bigger more bold moves in their life.

And these are the same people who spend time sulking in their self-pity which gives them less energy to go out and accomplish the shit that would actually give them the motivation they need to win.

If that describes you, what does that tell you?

It sends a clear picture to me and everybody else that you’re someone who doesn’t really want the things you say you want.

You aren’t fooling anyone.

You’re just screwing yourself over.

When you start getting comfortable with giving less than 100% effort toward moving the needle in your life and keeping it there…

You’re fucked.

And if that happens you know what’s waiting for you around the corner with a nice pink bow?


The kind of mediocrity you never (like ever) end up learning from.

Here’s the truth:

Raising your standards is going to cause you a lot of frustration.

It will cause you to lose friends, family, colleagues.

But those higher standards, when held, make everyone around you better.

When you do this for long enough with zero fucking deviation…

…your life changes.

👉 Quit celebrating your shortcomings.

👉 Demand more from yourself.

👉 And rise above the mediocrity.

When you apply this to your life…

The results will speak for themselves.

With fire,



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