AAF Wisdom

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This Outcome You Should Obsess About

by | Sep 12, 2022

What would happen if you made goals for your future but only looked backwards the entire time?

You wouldn’t get very far.

You have to look ahead to see where you’re going to get anywhere in life.

Whether that’s:

👉🏽 losing the weight for good.

👉🏽 experiencing fulfillment in your relationships.

👉🏽 building a successful business.

So why is it when people feel they can’t do something…

They point to their past to justify why they can’t execute now or achieve something in the future?

You can’t focus on previous failures and expect a different outcome.

So you fucked up in the past.

Join the club. I’m the President.

Your past has ZERO relevance on your future capabilities.

In order to succeed in the future, you MUST become VERY CLEAR on what you want the outcome to be.

What does your house look like?

What kind of car do you drive?

What kind of intimate partner are you with?

What does your life look like?

What does happiness look like?

The answers to those questions feel good to think about, right?

THIS is the feeling that requires your focus.

THIS is the outcome that you should be obsessed with each and every day.

What you focus on, you will become.

If you constantly think about how miserable you are…

That’s where you’ll remain.



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