AAF Wisdom

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Expect The Struggles

by | Oct 27, 2022

I get asked this question all the time…

“Hey Erin… don’t you ever feel like saying fuck it and walk away from all the pressure?”

And my answer is always the same…


The gurus would have you believe that you should be working 29 hours a day…

And never sleep…

And be possessed by fairy dust in order to “make a difference.”

That’s not true.

The truth is…

The gurus have an ego that needs to be seen as more powerful than you… stronger than you… almighty.

Honestly, it’s just their insecurities on overdrive.

Because for them to be who they are…

…they need you to believe that you are less than.

That your struggle is your identity.

That you are disadvantaged.

That you cannot control outcomes.

That there is an outside force stopping you.

It’s bullshit!

Working to become successful means you’ll have to bear a lot of pain.

And it’s going to take a long ass time.

And you’re going to struggle.

None of this should surprise you.

I’ve been in business for a long ass time and there isn’t a SINGLE DAY that I don’t struggle.

I get stressed out.

I doubt myself.

I cry.

And I want to quit.


The only difference is…

I don’t.

That’s literally it.

It’s OK to worry.

And just because you worry doesn’t mean you don’t have what it takes to “make a difference.”

In fact, you are absolutely capable of everything you dream of becoming…

…and more.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

It’s hard for all of us.

Embrace the pain and become stronger.

The life of your dreams is absolutely attainable.

No special circumstance is stopping you.

You’re just deciding not to go.

So…. GO!


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