AAF Wisdom

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Let Me Introduce Myself

by | Oct 25, 2022

Hi… I’m Erin. But you might hear people call me the AMBITIOUS AF girl. We’ll get to that in a minute. I want you to know what they called me as a kid…


Even the teachers.

I suppose society had a plan for me:

1️⃣ Go find a husband.

2️⃣ Become a secretary.

3️⃣ Die.

I guess somewhere along the way I made different plans for myself.

I just didn’t know how to get there.

Until I started doing the real work that made me feel like an outsider in my own skin; mentally, physically, financially, spiritually.

And I raised my standards.

And I started keeping the promises I made to myself.

And that’s when I found a new path.

A lonely path.

I realized I wasn’t like everybody else.

My minimum personal standards were much higher than others.

My ambition coupled with ego was too much for my inner circle.

And that’s when I said, “fuck these people… I’m gonna make my own path!”

So that’s when I started writing letters to myself and posted them on social media.

People started calling it “inspirational content.”

Honestly, I was just trying to remind myself of my own motivation within and used those posts as time stamps to refer back to.

Kinda like a diary.

That’s how AMBITIOUS AF was born.

If you don’t know, AF stands for AS FUCK.

Soon, I started teaching people what I know about going from a teenage runaway, dirt poor, two-time college dropout to launching a six-figure business model from scratch and Ivy League graduate.

And I’ve mixed in resilience, neuroscience, grit, self worth… and how to win the day!

Everything based in reality, not theory, because it’s what I’ve done in my own life.

And what people takeaway most is… “that girl uses the F word!”

Seriously, thousands of hours of content, podcast episodes, motivational videos… and that’s the takeaway.


Oh yeah, I like to remind people that they’re fully capable of making changes in their life right now… regardless of circumstances.

And I talk about mental toughness, too.

Because when life puts you in a serious choke hold the only way out is mental toughness.

That’s what AMBITIOUS AF is all about.

That’s who AMBITIOUS AF attracts.

We’re an elite group of overachievers who don’t measure success the same way others do.

We’re never after one thing but after ALL of it: success, adventure, experience, memories.

I guess you could say we’re people who are driven and want more. A LOT MORE!

And that includes life, liberty, and the pursuit of personal excellence in the face of adversity.

Speaking of freedoms… I exercise mine.

I stand up for what’s right even if that means standing alone.

ESPECIALLY if that means standing alone.

I get censored, labeled politically incorrect, and shadowbanned all in the name of tolerance.

But, what’s more important than wanting to protect the unborn, the second amendment, and the pursuit of sovereignty over self?

Ultimately, here’s what you should know about me:

I want you to win.

I’m here to make that happen.

So let’s fucking GO!

With fire and love,



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