AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Better Days Are Coming

by | Aug 5, 2023

All the work that builds you into the badass version of yourself is done ALONE.

You’ll stress ALONE.

You’ll hurt ALONE.

You’ll worry ALONE.

You’ll want to give up because you FEEL ALONE.

You’ll question your beliefs, your goals, your actions, your intrapersonal relationships…

And most importantly…

You’ll question yourself.

And if this is how you feel right now…

It’s a sign you’re on the right path.

You’re likely becoming a smarter, sharper, harder version of yourself.

Which means, you need to keep going.

If you can do this…

You’ll find new, better intrapersonal relationships that fulfill you.

You’ll step into more success, more money, and more experiences that contribute to your quality of life.

You’ll realize bigger dreams, bigger goals, bigger ambitions you never thought possible before.

It’s just hard to see all of it right now because it hasn’t materialized yet.

I know it feels like you’ll be ALONE forever, but that’s not true.

If you keep going…

And put in the work…

Day in and day out…

And never give up on yourself…

One day you won’t be afraid any more.

One day you won’t feel ALONE.

Because one day the solitude and silence will fade into the distance…

And you will arrive.

Better things are coming tomorrow…

If you can stand in the silence today.

So stand in the silence with your shoulders forward and awake knowing that very few people ever have the audacity to head down this path.

But you do.

Remember that.

You have what it takes.

Whether you believe that or not.

With fire and love,



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