If you think you can just show up every day, play the part while people are watching, not execute the seemingly small details because “nobody will every know…”
…and somehow win big in the end…
…you’re fucked in the head!
I’ve seen this thought process completely dismantle intrapersonal relationships, physical health, finances, and companies (big and small) that could’ve been great…
All because you’re willing to compromise your standards while no one is watching.
And, what I know for sure is this…
Your future will be full of regret unless you ditch this kind of thinking.
If you choose to overlook the details…
If you choose to brush off the hard work as “no big deal…”
If you choose to cut corners here and there…
Every single compromise you make will compound over the long haul and end up being the exact thing that destroys you…
If you think otherwise…
You’re either arrogant, naive, or stupid.
There will always be someone hungrier…
There will always be someone putting in more work…
There will always be someone developing their skillset.
These people want to take food off of your plate…
And eventually replace you.
And they will…
Each time you choose to compromise.
If you want to compete at the highest level of success…
Choose personal excellence in all areas of your life ALL THE TIME…
Especially when nobody is watching.
With fire and love,