AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

You Have An OBLIGATION To Overcome

by | May 6, 2023

People are watching what you do with your life…

And others will make decisions based on what you do with yours…

Even if you’re struggling right now or feel like the biggest piece of shit…

…people are still watching.

How you choose to live isn’t just about you…

It really isn’t about you at all.

It’s about showing others what’s possible.

Your decisions matter.

Your actions matter.

Your results matters.

Your standards matter.

Not just what this level of personal achievement means for you…

But what it means for them.

What others see as possibility in themselves comes from seeing this in you.

Let that burn into your brain.

When you sell yourself short…

Or give up prematurely…

Or act as if your life doesn’t matter…

It costs people their life.

None of this is about you.

It never has been.

You have an OBLIGATION to overcome.

You have an OBLIGATION to become the best version of yourself.

You have an OBLIGATION to chase your most ambitious desires.

This is not just a promise you keep to yourself…

It’s an OBLIGATION to those watching.

This is how we fix society.

Because if you don’t, then who will?

With fire and love,



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