AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Fuck All The Noise

by | Apr 25, 2023

Gossip and drama are for weak ass people.

Winners are too busy executing their day to give a damn about what others have going on or to spend any time talking shit about other people.


Since we live in a world with a whole bunch of care bear motherfuckers…

Go give them one helluva show to bitch and moan about…

As you keep your head down doing the work.

Every moment they spend focused on you…

Is a moment you spend getting better than you were yesterday.

Focus on the long game.

Keep raising your standards.

Build the skills that build the life.

And fuck all the noise.

While they gossip, we work.

Let the results of your actions speak for themselves.

That’s what gets you respected and admired.

And when you walk into the room the losers will shut their mouths…

(and they WILL shut their mouths)

Because that’s exactly what losers do.

Keep going.

With fire and love,



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