AAF Wisdom

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Lean In With More Curiosity Than Contempt

by | Feb 23, 2023

The biggest key to success is the ability to recognize how much you don’t know.

I see so many people get annihilated because they start believing their own ego about how great they are.

I can only speak for myself, but I know I’m not great.

Not even close.

Sure, I know a few things…

I’ve experienced a few wins…

I’ve checked a few boxes off for myself.

But, what sticks with me more than anything else, is how much I have to learn, improve, and how much more progress there is to make.

In my career as a performance coach, I’ve seen a lot of other people get a few small wins and walk around afterwards with their chest puffed out…

Like they are the greatest thing that ever walked the earth.

They talk about how fantastic they are.

They bask in their “glory” and think they have it all figured out.

Then next year, they can’t afford to pay their mortgage…

Or they’re jobless…

Or they just disappear.

Longevity is far different than once-in-a-while wins.

Everybody gets “wins.”

Not everybody CONSISTENTLY wins.

And what separates those two groups is one’s ability to evaluate themselves, see who’s got sharper iron, see who is better than they are, learn and improve from those insights, and rinse and repeat over and over again…

For life.

And it’s real hard to learn new skills when you think you already know everything.

With fire and love,



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