AAF Wisdom

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Chaos In Your Periphery Is Irrelevant

by | Feb 6, 2023

Life is hard.

Every day is going to feel like an uphill battle.

Nothing is ever going to get easier.

You have to accept it for what it is…

Come to terms with this reality…

And quit getting frustrated when life throws up in your lap.

As soon as you do this…

Your stress level decreases…

And your peace of mind falls into place more often.

ALL successful people have developed a skill to stay laser focused on where they are headed REGARDLESS of what’s happening in their periphery.

The periphery is irrelevant to them.

They always get back to work.

They put one foot in front of the other.

Day in…

Day out…

One step at a time…

One win at a time.

If you’re fighting a battle no one knows about…

And you’re at the bottom of the mountain telling yourself bullshit “I can’t” stories…

Quit it right now…

And start moving in the direction of your goals.

Execution of tasks cures all.

Do something right now that moves you ONE STEP closer to your goals…

Even if you feel a million miles away from it.

And while you’re taking that step I want you to think about the view from the top of your summit…

I want you to visualize how magnificent it will be.

When you do this, you’re training your mindset muscle like a successful person.

Just like any muscle in your body… if you train it daily, work on it daily, focus on it daily, and become consistent with this practice…

It will get hella strong!

After enough time, your thoughts will come naturally and your actions will follow accordingly.

You’ll spend less time stewing inside frustration, anger, resentment, hatred… 

You’ll struggle less with your journey and you will start fucking LIVING for the battle ground!

When you develop enough mental strength to go from “I just don’t know how to get through this” to…

Today will be fucking EPIC no matter how many gut punches I take…

You’ve harnessed true power.

AMBITIOUS AF’ers… I hope you feel nothing less than powerful today and every day.

With fire and love,



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