AAF Wisdom

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Mediocrity Looks Like This

by | Jun 10, 2023

Becoming a high performer in life is a very slow process.

It never happens overnight.

Guess what…

The same is true for your mediocrity.

You don’t go from building yourself into a total badass to suddenly turning into a horrendous failure overnight…

That shit takes time.

And it happens by compromising your own standards slowly until one day…

…total mediocrity hits you square between the eyes.

And here’s what it looks like…

Every time you don’t take the shopping cart back to the return area…

Every time you let your shit pile up on the floor…

Every time you cut corners on your work product…

Every time you break the promises you make to yourself.

And, if you can’t recognize when you’re doing this in real time…

And course corrrect immediately…

You will continue to dig yourself an early grave of regret.


If you can stay the course when shit gets hard…

And keep the promises you make to yourself…

And consistently perform at your highest level possible every single day…

Even when people are pointing and laughing and wishing you to fail…

In time…

You will become unfuckwithable!!

Ask me how I know.

With fire and love,



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