AAF Wisdom

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Discern Who You Listen To

by | Jun 6, 2023

Be very careful when it comes to who you choose to listen to.

Just read the comments on any of my posts and you’ll see…

Everyone has an opinion about you and your life.

They tell you what you should be doing.

They tell you what to change.

They tell you what you’re doing wrong.

They tell you that you’re decisions aren’t safe.

They tell you to come back down to reality.

Most of these people want to see you fail.

Very few want you to win.

But regardless of what their intention is behind their comments…

Most people think they know what’s best for you…

And I can tell you… they don’t.

If the person telling you what you need to be changing in life…

Isn’t currently living the life you wish you were living…

Don’t fu cking listen!

But, if they are living the life you do want…

Then lean in with curiosity and discern which feedback to take and which to shelve.

This is your life.

And that means you are fully responsible for the decisions you do or do not make.

Only you can decided what’s best for you.

With fire and love,



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