AAF Wisdom

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Never Forget This

by | Feb 15, 2023

No matter who you are or what you do…

You can always bend down and help someone in need.

In fact, I would argue that this is the single best strategy for your own success and path to happiness.

We’ve all lived through dark times.

We’ve all felt like giving up.

We’ve all felt down, defeated, alone.

We’ve all experienced serious struggle.

And I’m not talking about the professional “struggle bus” crowd who claims victimhood as a badge of honor.

I’m talking about the select few times where we’re praying to fall asleep before we fall apart…

Because we don’t know if we’ll make it through.

And what most of us need in our darkest hour is someone to extend their hand without judgement…

And offer a little help and support.

That doesn’t always mean monetary support…

Often times, a simple conversation is all that’s needed.

Someone to listen…

Someone to witness…

Someone to encourage…

Someone to give a damn.

We need to be reminded that we aren’t alone in a world that often feels cold and cruel.

You can be that person for someone.

It doesn’t take much.

Not only is this the right thing to do…

But people will remember those who turned toward them during their darkest moment…

In their time of desperation…

And they will reciprocate by showing up for someone else in the future the way you did for them…

Maybe that someone will be you.

Never forget that.

With fire and love,



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