AAF Wisdom

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Our Country Needs More Of This

by | Mar 16, 2023

If you’re complaining about what’s going on in the world…

But you’re unwilling to start taking action at becoming the very best version of yourself…

You aren’t doing your fucking part.

In fact, you’re no different than the people you point and laugh at.

Everything wrong with this country starts with the weakness of the INDIVIDUAL.

Which leads to the weakness of the FAMILY UNIT.

Which leads to the weakness of the COMMUNITY.

Which leads to the weakness of the COUNTRY.

If you want to change shit…

Start with YOURSELF!

Show people what it means to TAKE CARE of the people around you.

Show people what it means to DEVOTE yourself to becoming excellent.

Show people what it means to exercise SOVEREIGNTY OVER SELF.

The only way you’re gonna start seeing positive movement in this country…

Is if you become the change and start representing what you think America should be.

Too many of you are willing to bitch, whine, point fingers, and scream into the phone.

Not enough of you are willing to DO THE WORK it takes to become a better example of what it means to be an American.

I am not perfect.

I have plenty of improvements to make moving forward.

But we can be the change our country needs if enough of us live this way.

In fact…

We can bring back common sense, integrity, healthy lifestyles, and personal excellence.

But it all starts with us.

It’s gonna take everyone.

That means YOU!

With fire and love,



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