AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

This Is What It Fucking Takes

by | Mar 17, 2023

If you can’t re-rack your weights in the gym…

If you can’t return a shopping cart to the cart area…

If you can’t wipe your piss droplets off the toilet seat…

What makes you think you have “what it takes?”

The shit you do when you’re all alone and nobody is watching is what builds your life.

You must do what others aren’t willing to do … and do it CONSISTENTLY.

While everybody else is out partying on the lake…

Getting DRUNK AF this weekend…

And bragging about how “hard they work” in between the hours of 9-5 Monday through Friday…

You need to be doing the work.

The real work that makes you feel like an outsider in your own skin.

And never stop doing it…

Including weekends, holidays, vacations, evenings…

Because that’s what it fucking takes.

Is this life for everyone?


I get that.


If you stay disciplined when everyone else fucks off…

It will help shape your CHARACTER…


And your HABITS…

Which will cause you to execute perfectly when you need to.

Remember this:

How you do one thing is how you do EVERYTHING.

With fire and love,



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