AAF Wisdom

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Stop Tolerating Your Own Bullshit

by | Apr 3, 2023

Most people never end up living the life they truly want because of the bullshit they’re willing to tolerate.

They tolerate toxic people in their life…

They tolerate cutting corners…

They tolerate bad eating habits…

They tolerate mediocre performance…

And then they wonder why they can’t break free from the life they hate.

When you settle for less than what you want, or are willing to compromise in ANY area of your life…

You are going to land in a cesspool of regret.

Regret is one of the most painful feelings you can experience.

Especially when in 99.99% of the time you have no one else to blame but yourself.

So, whatever it is that you want to accomplish in life…


Not Monday.

Not the 1st of next month.


Because waiting for “the perfect time” is what keeps the majority of people stuck.

They keep on pushing things to tomorrow…

Or next week…

Or next month…

Or even years later…

And it continues all the way to their final days on Earth, when the feeling of regret overwhelms them.

If you don’t see the importance of taking action NOW in your life…

There will be a time…

A couple of days/months/years/decades down the road from now…

When you’ll have no other choice but to say to yourself…

“I could’ve been great but I bitched out.”

With fire and love,



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