AAF Wisdom

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The Only Constant In Life Is That Life Evolves

by | Apr 4, 2023

None of us can look in the mirror and honestly say we know exactly who we are.

You may have a good idea…

But if you think you know 100% of who you are…

You’ll keep the door closed from growing and becoming more.

Most people have this problem.

They hang on so tightly to who they think they are…

Or who they’re expected to be…

That they ultimately miss out on the experience and journey of who the fuck they could become.

So, here’s what I want you to understand…

Life is all about evolution.

And like the calendar year changes on January 1st…

There are pieces of you that should be open to changing each year as well.


If you can lean into life with more curiosity than contempt…

If you can quit basing your life on who you’re “supposed” to be…

If you can let go of your precious ego…

If you can quit tolerating your own bullshit…

If you can stop being the piss droplet in your own life…

If you can open yourself up to the opportunities that are literally right in front of your face to learn, grow, and become who you were meant to become…

You’ll quickly realize that the only constant in life…

Is that life evolves.

And while you may never know 100% of who you are at any given time… 

If you remain a student of life and pursue your ultimate potential…

You’ll find out exactly who you are capable of becoming!

With fire and love,



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