AAF Wisdom

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Surround Yourself With The Right People

by | Jul 27, 2023

I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who cheer for others to win and also help them get there.

Because that wasn’t always my life.

I had to go through many stabs in the back by “friends” and loneliness for years to get to this point.

People mocked me when I told them I wanted to start a coaching practice…

They ridiculed me for wanting more than the confines of mediocrity…

They reminded me of every failure, every bad decision, every mistake I’d ever made.

They discouraged me.

They made me second guess myself.

They did everything they could to keep their foot on my neck.

And now…

I’m literally surrounded by the most amazing humans who do nothing but help others rise.

They purposefully reach their hand into the darkness and light the pathway out of hell for people who society doesn’t even want to recognize.

They solve problems (REAL problems) and find ways to impact society and help people win.

And because of them my life will never be the same.

And, none of this happened overnight…

And it won’t for you either.

In fact, it started by me showing them that I am willing to find ways to impact society and help people win, too.

So commit yourself to doing those two things no matter what…

And do everything you can for these kinds of people with ZERO expectation in return.

Eventually you will be surrounded by the most amazing human beings…

Who will do the exact same thing for you.

With fire and love,



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