AAF Wisdom

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Your Obligation To Others

by | Apr 19, 2022

They aren’t supposed to get it.

They aren’t supposed to understand why you want what you want.

That’s why they call you arrogant.

And egotistical.

And shame you for believing in yourself.

And call you selfish for demanding more of those around you.

They think that by living a life that requires less work…

Your life is going to be better and less stressful…

…than setting and pursuing massive, ambitious goals.

Here’s my advice…

Fuck those people!

Those people are threatened by your ambitions and your ability to think beyond the confines of mediocrity.

Those people will drag you down to their miserable level because their lives were over before they started.

A life lived to other people’s standards is a wasted life.

You need to stay on the path.

Because if you can contribute more to yourself or the world, and you choose not to…

You’re fucking everyone over.

Not just yourself.

It is your OBLIGATION to make your life purposefully harder.

It is your OBLIGATION to chase your most ambitious desires.

It is your OBLIGATION to win in life over and over again.

It is your OBLIGATION to fucking dominate in this world.

It is your OBLIGATION to show the future generation what’s possible.

When you take on this responsibility it gives others the silent permission to do the same.

And the result is a ripple effect of inspiring others to become an uncommon force for good in the world.

Pour some fucking passion into what you do.

Be who you are in your heart.

Stand for what you believe in.

And get over the hurdle of getting your feelings hurt and remember…

It’s your OBLIGATION to live an awesome life.

Someone did this for you.

It’s time you do this for someone else.

With fire,



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