AAF Wisdom

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Don’t Judge Someone Who SINS Differently Than You

by | Oct 14, 2022

It’s always been bizarre to me how harsh people are to one another online.

I understand some posts light a fire under some people, honestly, I get it!

But frankly, the overall attitude in today’s society (and especially on the internet) is…

…if you don’t agree with someone else’s point of view…

You should mercilessly attack and shame that person until it satisfies your wicked ego and draws more attention to yourself.

If you want grace and understanding when you fu ck up…

Have grace and understanding with others as well.

You aren’t perfect.

Neither am I.

Nobody is.

We’re all going through some sort of shit storm that no one taught us how to handle.

It’s not just you.

So the next time you want to draw your sword against someone else…

Pause for a moment and place yourself in the middle of their life.

Feel their pain.

Embrace their frustration.

Sit in their loneliness.

And think to yourself…

How, in that very moment, would you like to be treated if you were feeling your most vulnerable?

If we all bent down with strength to help one another up…

We would all have a better place to live.

P.S. If you are desperate for answers, persevere in prayer and the answers will reveal themselves. We don’t pray to get our way, we pray to receive HIS way.


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