AAF Wisdom

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The Most Brutally Honest Q&A

by | Oct 16, 2022

Q: Why don’t you have a marketing plan?

A: Because my actions speak louder than your bait and switch bullshit

Q: How do you grow your audience?

A: I do really hard, epic shit and invite the world to observe; even if I fall flat on my face.

Q: How do you become an influencer?

A: Most “influencers” chase double taps and it’s blatantly obvious. I share my story and genuinely hope it helps others.

Q: Who should I listen to on social media?

A: The quiet, reserved individuals who show you their slow and steady progress and actual evidence of effort.

Q: How can I make more money?

A: Only people who check their bank account daily ask questions like this. I don’t chase dollars. I put in the work others refuse to do. Period.

Q: How can I scale and grow my following?

A: I’ll take 100 committed-to-self-mastery badass individuals who are AMBITIOUS AF over your 5 million “followers” any day!


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