AAF Wisdom

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Champions Always Choose This Option

by | Apr 7, 2023

Building a great life for yourself is hard.

Living a mediocre life is hard.

Pursuing your ambitions is hard.

Taking ZERO action and living a life filled with regret is hard.

No matter what you do…

Life is hard.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret…

You get to CHOOSE your hard.

And this is what I mean…

You have to decide what kind of life you want to pursue.

Do you want to live a passive life, work a job just to collect a paycheck, go through the motions, and never accomplish anything year after year?


But it’s gonna be hard.

That’s just the way it is.

You can also choose to live a life in pursuit of becoming an uncommon force for good in the world…

Attack each day with urgency…

Raise the standards on yourself and those around you…

And truly make something out of your life…

If you do that, it’s gonna be fucking arduous.

Because you’ll have roadblocks…

And situations that aren’t ideal…

And you’ll experience failure…

And resistance from friends and family…

And you’ll feel beat down on the daily.

That’s just the way it is.

So, it’s time to choose your hard.

What’s it gonna be?

Are you gonna be the piss droplet in your own life and struggle?


Are you gonna chase your most ambitious desires and struggle that way?

What’s it gonna be?

Champions always chose the second option.

And you should, too.

With fire and love,



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