Every single one of us has days that feel completely out of our control.
You blow a tire on the way to work.
You kid gets suspended from school.
You don’t get the promotion.
Or, you feel like you’re falling further and further behind everybody else.
These are the days where taking action feels difficult and inconvenient.
And, whether or not you can take action on these days…
…will determine where you end up in life.
Losers allow inconvenience to frustrate them and therefore they don’t take any action.
And because they allow this inconvenience to debilitate them from overcoming…
They never build the fortitude and mental endurance to face the REAL shit that may happen in the future.
Champions operate much differently.
Not only will champions welcome the adversity and execute their discipline regardless of circumstances…
But they do it with open arms.
Because they know this is what helps avoid disruption in their momentum…
In their fortitude…
In their perseverance…
In order to achieve total victory over their entire life.
I’ve adopted this mindset.
I highly recommend you do the same.
The result will be a much stronger version of your future self that is basically unfuckwithable!
With fire and love,