AAF Wisdom

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Remove Your Ego

by | Mar 25, 2023

It’s impossible for you to move the needle forward in your life if you think you already know everything.

You don’t know shit.

I don’t know shit.

And the social media gurus who claim to know everything…

They don’t know shit either.

Whether you like it or not…

That’s the truth.

And the truth is…

You need to start placing yourself in a position to listen more than you speak.

To lean into conversations with more curiosity than contempt.

To heighten your level of emotional intelligence so you can become acutely aware of how much you actually don’t know.

All the ultra-successful people I hang with have the ability to remove their ego from the situation and recognize that…

No matter how much they have already learned…

No matter how much wealth they have built…

No matter all the goals they have accomplished so far…

They still understand there is massive room for them to improve.

And, if you can position yourself with this level of awareness and diffidence…

Sooner rather than later…

It will help you dominate your life, too.


If you can’t drop your precious ego…

And humble yourself enough to recognize how much you don’t actually know…

You’re gonna get fucking crushed by those of us who can.


With fire and love,


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