AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Comfort Is Irrelevant

by | Jun 27, 2023

A few nights ago I was entrusted to deliver a keynote address at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

All eyes were staring right at me.

My heart was pounding in my head.

It took about 10 minutes for me to catch my breath properly.

I was desperately trying to remember what words came next.

My stomach was in knots.

My brain was on fire.

I’m pretty sure I forgot an entire section.

And, regardless of all the practicing I had done…

It still took everything I had to get up in front of an entire crowd and deliver a powerful message.

To say I was uncomfortable is putting it mildly.

But, my comfort level was irrelevant.

I was there to change someone’s life.

I was speaking to that one person in the audience who would decide that today was going to be THE DAY they would look back and say, “that’s the day that changed my life!”

And guess what…

Through the several tears that were shed in the audience that day…

Someone did decide enough is enough, and decided to take positive action.

(actually more than one person, yay!)

And here’s what I want you to takeaway from this:

We live in a world where everyone expects everything instantly…

Where most things are available at the click of a button…

Where society has you believing everything should be easy and stress-free…

And it’s caused an entire generation to become complacent and mentally weak.

They expect everything right here, right now.

And that’s not how it works.

The longer you keep searching for the short cut and the hack and the give-it-to-me-right-now answers…

The longer you keep yourself from taking action and building the skillset and discipline you need to win in life.

Complacency is a disease.

One that will destroy your future entirely.

You need to start getting uncomfortable RIGHT NOW.

Do the shit that scares you until it doesn’t anymore.

Everything you want is waiting on the other side of of your fears.

So lean into everything you’ve been avoiding and welcome all the discomfort with open arms so you can build the ultimate life you truly deserve.

There is no other way.

With fire and love,



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