AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Face Your Problems Head On

by | Mar 18, 2023

A lot of people sit around and wait for that ONE THING to make all their problems disappear.

They say shit like…

“Once I make enough money, I’ll be happy.”

“Once I get that promotion, I’ll start enjoying my career.”

“Once I knock out this work project, I’ll start working out.”

You probably know a few people who think this way.

You may have even caught yourself thinking this way before, too…

It’s a totally normal expectation that many of us have.

But, this mindset will keep you confined inside a life of mediocrity if you can’t learn to break free from it.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make.

It doesn’t matter where you move.

It doesn’t matter who you meet.

It doesn’t matter what you’re feeling.

NONE of these things will solve all your problems…

And they sure as fuck won’t make you immune to future struggles or obstacles.

So you can keep wishing your problems away by waiting on that “one thing…”

But it won’t ever solve shit for you.

Quit trying to escape from your problems…

Start FACING THEM head on.

It’s through the process of consistently addressing and solving your problems with your shoulders forward and awake…

That will teach you how to build the necessary skillset to DOMINATE at anything you set out to do.

With fire and love,



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