AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Here’s To The Ambitious

by | Mar 9, 2023

Here’s to the AMBITIOUS…

The outliers.
The unbalanced.
The overachievers.

Those who see the world differently.
Those who make obsession feel normal.
Those who never apologize for their success.

The ones they try to criticize, judge, manipulate, curse.

The ones who go to a place of complete darkness and trust their own voice to move forward.

The ones who will never look back on this life and say, “is this all there is?!”

Total Legends.



Just because someone’s ambitions are different from yours…

Doesn’t mean you should criticize them for being “wrong.”

You have to realize that the idea of a “great life” is different for everyone.

You may want to build an 8-figure business, own a Bugatti Mistral, live in a mansion, and employ thousands of people.

While someone else wants to be a school guidance counselor and help shape the next generation.

There’s nothing wrong with either of those pathways.

You may not agree with the path that others choose to pursue…

But that doesn’t make their path any less important than yours.

With fire and love,



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