AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Make Others Feel Heard

by | Apr 11, 2023

It’s interesting to me that the radically successful people I know are the ones who treat others the best…

And the people who are faking it big time are the ones treating people like shit.


Absolutely not.

Every single time you interact with someone…

No matter who they are…

You have a choice…

You can make them feel like their voice is heard…


You can be like 98% of the world and not give a damn… or worse, negative.

What most of you don’t understand is that by making people feel better about themselves you are actually creating long term value in yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the CEO of a company or currently looking for work…

It PAYS VERY WELL for people to think highly of you…

And respect you for how you treat them.

Most people fuck this up because they only treat people well when they think they have something to gain.

But the honest to god truth is that you never know who will come back around in your life.

So if you want to build your ultimate life…

Instead of being “Mrs. Awesomesauce” on the internet…

Try being “Mrs. Awesomesauce” 24/7/365.

If people aren’t elated to see you when you enter a room…

You have work to do.

And since you never know how your life is going to take a sharp turn…

Being a genuinely nice human being to everyone you meet is ALWAYS a great idea.

And more importantly…

It’s just the right fucking thing to do.

With fire and love,



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