AAF Wisdom

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This Is Keeping You From Building Your Ultimate Life

by | Apr 13, 2023

Every time I talk about handling your shit and doing the work…

I get a handful of motherfuckers who say…

“It’s about working smarter not harder.”

And here’s what I have to say about that…

Have fun going nowhere in life.

These are people who are missing the entire point.

Because what you’ve just said is an excuse to be lazy.

If you aren’t intelligent enough to do your work effectively…

You are going to lose.

That’s why it’s not a question of whether you should be working hard or smart…

You should be doing BOTH.

When you combine your potential with every single ounce of effort you can possibly extract…

You become unfuckwithable.

And then…

Your productivity…

Your effectiveness…

Your value…

Your life…

Will level up as a result.

And, when I talk about doing the work…

I know that most people don’t struggle with a plan…

They struggle with EXECUTING that plan.

Which is exactly what keeps them from building their ultimate life.

Work smart AND hard…

It’s the only way to win.

With fire and love,



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