AAF Wisdom

– BLOG –

Not Everyone Is Your Friend

by | Jul 15, 2023

When someone tells you the shit other people say about you behind your back…

And that person does nothing to stand up for you or correct the situation…

That person is not your friend.

Understand something…

It’s intentional.

They are purposefully disturbing the peaceful world you are trying to build.

These losers should be cut out of your life with a fucking katana sword…

And no explanation.

These people will happily give you a death by 1000 cuts while pretending to be your friend.

Make no mistake…

They are not your friend.

Not even close.

Your real friends will handle that shit and never even bring it to your attention.

Because that’s what real friends do…

And you should do the same for them.

With fire and love,



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