AAF Wisdom

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Operate Like This And Nothing Can Stop You

by | Apr 15, 2023

You have to learn that some days are just going to be harder than others.

No matter how schooled you are…

No matter how tough you are…

No matter how trained you are…

You are going to get your teeth kicked in by these days.

Some of them will damn sure be 50 times fucking harder than any other normal day for you.

And… it may last for weeks, months, or even years if you let it.

And by the way…

All the people you look up to and think that it’s effortless for…

It’s never effortless for them either.

There’s a whole mental battle and inner dialogue going on that you never get to see because most people will never tell you about it.

Because their precious ego is too fragile.

Because they want to portray themselves as if they’re superhuman.

But that’s not reality.

We all have these days.


And the only difference between the people who win consistently and the people who don’t all comes down to their execution on these days.

If you can train yourself to not only execute on these days…

But to also do a little extra on top of that…

Who the fuck can beat you?

Who can beat the person who can not only get it done when they feel like shit…

But actually do more on those days than they normally would have?

The answer is nobody.

If you can learn to operate like that…

Nothing can stop you.

With fire and love,



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