AAF Wisdom

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Start Living Actively, Not Reactively

by | Apr 14, 2023

Most people live their life in a reactive state.

They don’t have a plan.

There are no goals.

There are no action steps to complete on a daily basis.

And, most people haven’t thought about what they want their life to look like.

So they end up living their life aimlessly with no control over where they end up.

Then they wonder why they aren’t making any progress.

Here’s the brass tacks:

The big picture you create with your life will determine your daily routine.

When a tattoo artist is creating a design they don’t just put ink to skin and see what happens…

They have an idea in their mind of what they want to create and THEN they pick up the machine.

Your life is no different.

You need to have an idea of what you want in life so that you can start working toward it.

So, go create a vision…

THEN break it down into bite sized tasks and execute against your vision every single day.

In doing so…

You’ll start living actively instead of reactively.

Make a plan.

Decide which action steps will support that plan to the end.

Execute that plan with relentless ambition.

And don’t ever fucking stop.

Only then will your vision turn into reality.

With fire and love,



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