AAF Wisdom

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Shake Hands With The Beast In Your Head

by | Nov 30, 2021

We all have a beast in our heads.

It can look like anything…

The bourbon bottle within arm’s reach.

Junk food in the pantry.

Narcotics to ease the emotional pain.

Toxic relationships ruining your life.

The convincing storyline that the world is screwing you over.

Whatever it looks like for you…

We all have beasts.

And if you don’t confront your beast head on…

You’ll give it more power over your life.

Your beast will persuade you to be…







Your beast is a breeding ground for hopelessness and pessimism.

Until you shake hands with that motherfucker.

Put differently, suppression won’t get the job done.

When your beast shows his face… know he’s there for a reason.

To protect.

To avoid.

To numb the pain.

The days that you struggle to get out of bed…

The reason you can’t lose the weight for good…

The night’s you pray to fall asleep before you fall apart…

All exist because you suppress your beast instead of taking action.

Suppression isn’t an effective tactic in the moments you need to power past temptation.

Instead, shaking hands with your beast is actually a way to design a system that protects you from yourself when you’re at your worst.

When your beast is torturing your mind…

Acknowledge your beast.

Return your attention to reality.

Focus on how alive you are right now.

👉 Lead with your actions, not your self-doubt.

No matter how impossible things may seem.

No matter how heavy the burden.

Do the shit that scares you, until it doesn’t anymore.

Your beast will ultimately cost you everything you dream about having or doing in life.

Until you shake hands with that motherfucker and grind out the exact life you want. 

I’m not hard on you because I think you’re weak.

I’m hard on you because I think you’re strong. 


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