AAF Wisdom

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You Are Not Alone

by | Mar 7, 2022

Do you feel alone?

I’ve met tons of people who tell me they feel isolated and detached from regular society because they…

👉🏼 have extremely high standards

👉🏼 value self discipline over excuses

👉🏼 keep score and value losses over wins

👉🏼 deal in actions and results… not pity parties

👉🏼 do not give a damn what the “gurus” have to say on Instagram

👉🏼 are sick of the bullshit and fluffy-floofy cliches that have become so common in society

…and it feels like nobody else around them feels like this.

Let me be the first to tell you…

YOU are not alone.

There is a significant portion of the population that feels just like you.

People of integrity exist.

People of self belief exist.

People of discipline exist.

There are a lot more of us out there than you think.

WE are not alone.

In fact, there’s tons of women and men who live life with intensity, make their lives purposefully harder, and invite friction where there isn’t any.

And I know you feel alone daily because others don’t understand the kind of people we are.

Although we are the minority you need to understand…

There is a movement happening and a community being built.

A force rising around you and a family being formed.

And our NUMBER ONE VALUE inside this family is mental toughness.

⚔️ Discipline.

⚔️ Determination.

⚔️ Grit.

⚔️ Perseverance.

We are out there.

We are the people making actual fucking changes in the world.

You do not have to walk alone anymore.

You need to connect with others like you.

You need to surround yourself with people who dominate and get shit done.

I want you to be able to say:

I BELONG to a community.

I BELONG to a family.

I BELONG to a network of tough minded motherfuckers who care about my success as much as I care about my success.

Because that’s what you deserve.

And understand this… if you feel alone in your journey it’s because you’re separating yourself from the crowd of mediocrity in your pursuit of excellence.

If you want to help transform yourself.

If you want to help build others up and help them succeed.

If you want to help build a nation of mentally tough people who are relentless forces of nature.



We are family.




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