Stop Tormenting Yourself

You have been conditioned to self censor. You have been told that success isn’t for “people like you.” You have been told that doing anything outside the confines of mediocrity is stupid, selfish, impolite. It’s all bullshit.  It’s a...

Acting Upon Your Decisions Is Not Optional

Most people spend the majority of their life NOT acting on the decisions they make. This always baffles me. When they want to build their ultimate life… When they recognize a problem that needs to be solved… When they know they need to do things differently to produce...

There Is No “Secret”

The super secret sauce you’re looking for on the internet search engine that will take your life to the next level is already inside you. It always has been. It’s a decision. A decision to stop procrastinating. A decision to stop playing the victim. A decision to...

“Know Your Worth” Is Mentally Weak

So I land on a social media post this morning and see a woman making a kissy face in her selfie with the headline “LADIES, KNOW YOUR WORTH!” And she continues to rant about how hard women have it and how women need to “band together…”...

Friendship Breakups, It’s A Thing

Friendship breakups. It’s a thing. A good thing. If you’re not currently doing an inner circle cleanse and getting rid of the dead weight… …or people who bring you the gossip and drama that other people say about you under the guise of “being a good friend…” …you will...

The Secret To Your Success Is You

Millions of people press pause on their goals when the weekend arrives… …that’s your competitive advantage. Keep moving forward toward your goals. Stay focused on the daily actions you need to take in order to achieve your outcomes. Don’t let others pressure you...

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