Forward Is A Discipline

Building your ultimate life has zero empathy for how you’re “feeling” today. Too tired? Too sore? Too broke? Too uncomfortable? Too bad. Nobody fucking cares. Quit making excuses or you’ll continue to be fed the scraps from the doers. And here’s another thought while...

The Truth About Being Different

Everyone wants to feel valued and heard. It’s how the human brain is wired. But most people spend more of their time trying so damn hard to be like everybody else… For fear of being an outcast. So they make shit up on their social media profiles. They tell half...

Better Days Are Coming

All the work that builds you into the badass version of yourself is done ALONE. You’ll stress ALONE. You’ll hurt ALONE. You’ll worry ALONE. You’ll want to give up because you FEEL ALONE. You’ll question your beliefs, your goals, your actions, your intrapersonal...

Stop Complaining About Your “Bad Day”

I’m not gonna pretend being an entrepreneur is all fun and giggles. It’s not. It actually sucks most of the time. It’s hard AF. I’m tired AF. I feel alone AF. But here’s what I know… These are the days when everybody else turns their back on their game plan. These are...

You Must Not Compromise

This thing we call life is an uphill battle. It takes hard work and consistency executing the RIGHT actions in order to move the needle forward. And not just for a few days here and there. You must do this for thousands and thousands of days… Until your last breath....

Get Back Up

Expecting life to be easy is what keeps you angry, bitter, and disappointed. It’s not going to get any easier. So stop thinking it will be. That’s why building the skill sets of perseverance, grit, determination, discipline, and vigilance are so important… So you can...

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