Surround Yourself With The Right People

I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who cheer for others to win and also help them get there. Because that wasn’t always my life. I had to go through many stabs in the back by “friends” and loneliness for years to get to this point. People mocked me when I...

We’re All Tired… So What!

We’re all tired. That’s just the way it is. You can either let that be the reason as to why you don’t get shit done… Or you can understand how pathetic that excuse actually is. Most people don’t understand that nothing great will happen until...

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Choose your friends wisely. Your success in business and life has a lot to do with the people you surround yourself with. Think about your inner circle… The people in your life that you are closest to. Are these people encouraging you to dominate… Or are they...

Figure Out Why You Exist

What’s the thing you can do every single day even when you’re tired as fuck? What is the motivation that fuels your soul? What is the reason you exist? If you don’t know what it is… You need to figure it out. It took me 42 years to figure out why I exist… And it...

Build Your Ultimate Life

Too many of you are afraid to chase your ambitions for fear of what “they” might say if you fall on your face. Guess what… “They” only exist in your mind. And the others you’re afraid will talk shit behind your back are the same people you look at and think to...

Not Everyone Is Your Friend

When someone tells you the shit other people say about you behind your back… And that person does nothing to stand up for you or correct the situation… That person is not your friend. Understand something… It’s intentional. They are purposefully disturbing the...

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